Contact Us

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We are not just a fund-raising group, we are here to help as a support group for bowel cancer in the West Midlands. If you want support for your family or friends who have had a diagnosis of bowel cancer, undergoing treatment or perhaps are adjusting to life after treatment, we have a network of people who can support you and give you information. Perhaps you need advice about getting tested for bowel cancer or are feeling scared for yourself or a loved one. Are you feeling alone and need support for yourself or your family? Perhaps you just need to share your story.

We are here for a friendly chat to help provide answers and support.

Call our dedicated West Midlands support number for discussing bowel cancer on 07749 092197.

Email us

We are here to answer your questions. If you have any questions please leave us a message. We will contact with you as soon as possible. You can use this form or email us using your email at [email protected] if you prefer. We have local branches in some areas who you can contact directly if you prefer.

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