Holly Ball 2024

The Holly Trust had its annual Holly Ball at the Moor Hall Hotel. Not only are these events a fun night out, but they are an opportunity for supporters, patients and medical staff to meet each other, and to spread the word.

We were joined by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Sutton Coldfield, John & Sarah Perks. Staff from several West Midlands Hospitals joined us.

We were especially grateful to our hosts as the Moor Hall Hotel had elected The Holly Trust to be their charity for 2024, including donations from their staff who took part in a gruelling Iron Man Run over the summer.

The Ball raised £3,000.

John Baden, Chairman of The Holly Trust, said “The evening was hugely successful raising vital funds in the fight against bowel cancer locally. Our aim is also to increase awareness of the symptoms of bowel cancer and encourage as many people as possible, young and old to get checked out as this is one disease which, if caught early, is very treatable.”